Day-to-day school life at Institut Monte Rosa takes place largely outside the realm of international strife and conflict, in a country with a high standard of living, a great educational tradition and a healthy social environment. Living and working within an international community, students will discover a multitude of different ideals and ethnic views - the main factors stimulating a certain tolerance within a young person.
Discovering other cultures
Monte Rosa welcomes students from a lot of countries as Japan, China, Russia, Turkey, Mexico, Germany, United-Kingdom and so one… That is why our school offers a real international learning environment for pupils who want to learn one or several languages, discover other cultures, meet people from different ethnic groups and explore their point of view with others.
At our school, students recognise their responsibilities as ambassadors of their respective native countries, while at the same time learning to respect friendship and to judge their capabilities as well as gaining self-confidence within their group of fellow students.
In our truly international academic environment, conversations and discussions arise spontaneously, the constant exchange of ideas widen the students' horizons and contribute to the formation of their personalities.